02 level in wort

I  have been  chugging away  at  all grain  around twenty  years  with  no  real issues  last  18.BUT,as I  was off work  today  pondering  lifes mysteries.I was  thinking  how  do I consistently add 02 to my  wort? For a  very long time I have  used a  stone with  disposable  02 bottles. But through use inside pressure goes  down so I am  cranking up the gauge-less regulator. I  am a thinking gravity  and  temp  are factors in some kind of  formula.Without buying a  dissolved  oxy meter,anyone have  a  economical way  of to get  same levels each  time.I figure its  one more variable to  remove if I  can.

Mix-stir at constant RPM for X seconds.

I know some people really like their diffusion stones and O2 tanks but I found them more of a PITA than I felt necessary.

You could use a high end oxygen regulator designed for medical use. They have flow regulation that keeps it at a set rate. Or you could not worry.

I went form an O2 system to a MixStir to nothing special now.  Once I started pumping the wort to the fermenter, I found I was getting so much foam that I didn’t need to do anything else.  And the results prove it.

I only use my stone and tank for very high gravity beers and big lagers.  All else gets 5 minutes of intense shaking with great results.

+1 Same here. Well, sorta. I just gravity flow the wort from my kettle to the fermenter. I get plenty of aeration with this method, and when I add a good, healthy pitch of yeast, well… it works as well as I could possibly ask for.

I don’t worry about “consistent amounts” as much as I do “enough”. After proper sanitization, I place the stone just under the surface of the wort, and open the gas valve until I just see a steady stream of bubbles. I then drop the stone to the bottom of the fermenter and move it around. If I still see bubbles, I reduce the flow; no (few) bubbles, just about right. I usually let it flow for at least 90 seconds for “normal” gravity wort; more like 2 - 2.5 minutes for higher gravity. I probably don’t get the kind of consistence that you would with a gauge, but I do seems to get enough O2 in there.

Yeah something like this. I run my wort off through a filter into a bucket. Then I dump from that bucket into a fermenting bucket or carboy. I get plenty of oxygenation in most beers. Some bigger styles might get an extra stir.

Same here. I pour my kettle through a series of filters into my fermentation bucket. That seems to be more than enough aeration for my needs. I will occasionally break out the O2 setup for somehing big like a barleywine or a doppelbock, but I’m not convinced that even those need it. For meads, all I use is the whisk attachment on my stick blender. If that’s enough for an 18% mead, then it should be fine for a 12% beer, IMO.

Outside of a DO meter, I’m not sure if you can do better than a flow meter and a consistent process.

They do sell flow meters that can be used with the red, disposable oxygen bottles.

My British ales became very bland when I was using lager tricks on those. Higher pitch rates from Mrmalty, yeast nutrients, O2, and so one. Did a bitter, pumped to the fermenter, pitched warm with 1 package no starter, just a pinch of nutrient in the boil. Was still fermenting when we hit the road a couple days ago. Will see how it turns out.