1 to 3 barrel systems?

does anyone know of any companies or websites that deal with 1 to 3 barrel systems new or used? i’ve been looking at sabco and pyschobrew, and the eletric brewery which all look great, but i 'm wondering if there’s any others that people would recommend. maybe used? i’ve checked out the NABS site, but it looks like they’re not around anymore (does anyone know this for sure?)

Stout Tanks has some tanks in that range.  http://conical-fermenter.com/products/

Pretty much any manufacturer of small brewing systems will make something in that range. Where you went from there would depend on what your specific needs are.



There are many many others; I just happened to have those bookmarked.

fwiw - theelectricbrewery is more of a how-to site - you can buy the panel premade, but you will need to buy mod the kettles themselves which may or may not be what you are inclined to do.

I think morebeer.com also has a brewmagic type system?

personal opinion and nothing else =

If I were to spend money on a turn key 3 bbl brewery the only american company I’ve talked to that seemed worth while was Premier Stainless.  They had the most sensible set-up with none of the dumb/worthless bells and whistles to drive up the price.  I have looked at a few fairly awesome chinese builds that I thought were of moderate quality.

BUT for something as small as 3 bbl I think I’d build my own for 1/10 of the price, like I said just personal opinion and nothing else.

p.s. NABS (actually it’s ?ABT? but the same guys) builds their own 3 bbl systems and they’re actually pretty impressive I think they were a little bit more expensive than premier

psycobrew, their system is completely goofy.  I love the electrical side and control panel of the 3 bbl system, I wish they would team up with (me) someone to tweek their tank setup though

Find some stainless 55 gallon barrels and you’re good to go. 1 1/2 barrels anyway.

they breifly made a 3 bbl  that was awesome but i dont think they were able to work out the bugs or it wasnt profitable, because it quickly disappeared.

http://www.strombergtanks.com has a shaky reputation.
NABS was sold off to Allied Beverage Tanks out of Chicago.
Premier stainless has a great reputation. They buy their equipment in China and retrofit it in the US.

I read recently that Stout Tanks did custom electric 3 BBL brewhouse.
I did not buy anything from them so I do not know how reliable they are.