10 Gallon batches

I’m sure this has been answered many times but I can’t find it.  I do partial mash batches due to limitations where I live but I bought a new larger spielman so I can do 10 gallon batches now. My question is, do I simply double my 5 gallon recipes or is there something I need to adjust when I ramp up volume?


Doubling is generally close enough, but keep in mind there will be a difference in volumes as boil-off and losses won’t necessarily scale.

For example. My pre-boil for 5.5 gallon batches is 7 gallons, 1 gallon boil-off, .5 gallon lost to the kettle and trub. For 11 gallons my pre-boil is 5.5 gallons greater at 12.5, but the others remain the same.

Thanks for the tip!  To sort of quote Jaws: I’m going to need a bigger pot!

Agree with Stevie.  Also consider a larger burner to go with that new pot.

I have read all the content. And feel that it is really good to read this useful knowledge.

I know I have been absent a lot for a while now, but whats with this last poster? Registered today, 2 posts in and both on old topics and odd responses? I have run into the 2 posts in a short amount of time just reading through unread topics and it seems off. ESL user perhaps, if so I apologize.

From experience with other forums this is the type of post usually generated by a potential spammer.  They typically come back and add spam links later

Beersmith has a tool to scale the recipe from 5 to 10. The grain bill is more efficient on a 10 gallon. It will give you weights like 1lb 10.33 oz and crap like that but i just round it up or down and make adjustments based on taste.

My thoughts exactly when I read these this morning.  I decided to see what else showed up before mentioning it.


My thought was that English is not this person’s first language.

It is most likely not their native language.

If staff were to check the ip address of this member they may find they are from an Asian region probably Vietnam.  At least that is where similar posts on forums I have admin privileges on originate.

What I have seen before, the commentary is often about wanting to learn or having learned something in the forum. Always a positive comment.

Sorry if I caused this thread to derail but I blame the post reviver