Had the chance to sneak in a brewday early this morning. It was a blonde ale I had been planning (2-row, wheat, light munich plus some carafoam, some Horizon to bitter and then 3 ounces of Liberty in the last 10 minutes and Wyeast 1028 London ale yeast). Brewday was smooth and as I was making some notes I realized I was using 1028 on 10/28.
You devil!
You were the inspiration to use the Horizon in this beer. They smelled nice when they hit the wort.
I think your gonna like 'em!
Had the chance to sneak in a brewday early this morning. It was a blonde ale I had been planning (2-row, wheat, light munich plus some carafoam, some Horizon to bitter and then 3 ounces of Liberty in the last 10 minutes and Wyeast 1028 London ale yeast). Brewday was smooth and as I was making some notes I realized I was using 1028 on 10/28.
Hope your FG doesn’t end up at… you know.
Oh, now you’ve done it…
Hope your FG doesn’t end up at… you know.
Oh, sh*t. Maybe I should have jacked up the IBUs to 1,028 to offset the potential high FG.
So, what’s the name of this beer going to be?
So, what’s the name of this beer going to be?
Eponymous ?
OMG, it sort of happened again. I was making dinner and my keg of Cabana Lager went belly-up mid-pour. So I grabbed a keg of pilsner (made with 2002 Gambrinus) from my spare fridge and put it into the draft fridge. I wanted to check to see how long it had been lagering so I checked the tag on the keg and it was kegged on 8/29. EXACTLY two months ago today!!
[quote]So, what’s the name of this beer going to be?
My neighbor has been on a little rant lately so I think I’ll name it Dickhead Neighbor Blonde Ale.
OMG, it sort of happened again. I was making dinner and my keg of Cabana Lager went belly-up mid-pour. So I grabbed a keg of pilsner (made with 2002 Gambrinus) from my spare fridge and put it into the draft fridge. I wanted to check to see how long it had been lagering so I checked the tag on the keg and it was kegged on 8/29. EXACTLY two months ago today!!
[quote]So, what’s the name of this beer going to be?
My neighbor has been on a little rant lately so I think I’ll name it Dickhead Neighbor Blonde Ale.
LOL, that’s certainly a blunt name. Man, all these things happening to you right now, it’s like surreal and stuff, man. hehe