1028 on 10/28...

Had the chance to sneak in a brewday early this morning.  It was a blonde ale I had been planning (2-row, wheat, light munich plus some carafoam, some Horizon to bitter and then 3 ounces of Liberty in the last 10 minutes and Wyeast 1028 London ale yeast).  Brewday was smooth and as I was making some notes I realized I was using 1028 on 10/28.  :smiley:

You devil!  :wink:

You were the inspiration to use the Horizon in this beer.  They smelled nice when they hit the wort.  :slight_smile:

I think your gonna like 'em!


Hope your FG doesn’t end up at… you know.

Oh, now you’ve done it…

Oh, sh*t.  Maybe I should have jacked up the IBUs to 1,028 to offset the potential high FG.  :smiley:

So, what’s the name of this beer going to be?

Eponymous ?

OMG, it sort of happened again.  I was making dinner and my keg of Cabana Lager went belly-up mid-pour.  So I grabbed a keg of pilsner (made with 2002 Gambrinus) from my spare fridge and put it into the draft fridge.  I wanted to check to see how long it had been lagering so I checked the tag on the keg and it was kegged on 8/29.  EXACTLY two months ago today!!

[quote]So, what’s the name of this beer going to be?

My neighbor has been on a little rant lately so I think I’ll name it Dickhead Neighbor Blonde Ale:smiley:

My neighbor has been on a little rant lately so I think I’ll name it Dickhead Neighbor Blonde Ale:smiley:


LOL, that’s certainly a blunt name. Man, all these things happening to you right now, it’s like surreal and stuff, man. hehe