16 Annual Slurp & Burp Open - Now Online and Accepting Entries

The 16th Annual Slurp & Burp Open homebrew competition is live and accepting entries online at http://slurpnburp.brewcomp.com/
That’s right, Slurp & Burp is ONLINE!
You can register your entries, pay for your entries, and sign up to judge all online.
Entry deadline is March 1st at 5PM.
Entries can be dropped off at all HB shops in the PDX metro & beyond.
You can also mail your entries to Brew Brothers Hombrew Products if you’re outside the Portland area.
Judging will take place on March 9th at Max’s Fanno Creek Brew Pub in Tigard, OR.
Come out and join us for Slurp & Burp and take part in the largest raffle of homebrew products and beer related items in the NW.