So a few months ago at my local homebrew supply I bought a nice, fancy 16 gallon Brewers Beast 16 induction ready pot. It’s beautiful, but I’ve never used it because I can’t seem to find a induction range that fits it. The base is about 16 1/2 inches wide.
When I look up product info I can see that it’s induction ready, but for the life of me I can’t find a range (and stop looking when I get into the $600 range)
Honestly if I knew that this would be a problem I probably would have went with something smaller but I figured bigger was better on such an expensive piece of equipment. I do have 220 in my garage but I was hoping to stick to the household 110.
I searched the forums but all I could find is a tale of someone using 2x4s to rig something up for a wider pot.
If you are going boil any volume over 3-4 gallons, you’re going to want 220V. I got a used commercial-grade induction unit from a restaurant supply via e-bay for somewhere around $500. It heats my 8 gallon kettle really well- 6 gallons of strike water from 60F to 170F in 25 minutes or so. I don’t use anywhere near full power when I boil as I use a lid on my kettle with a steam condenser. I wouldn’t consider using 110V in my case.
Thanks for the reply. $500 is going to be tough to swing. If I had any idea it was going to be this hard/expensive to find an induction cooktop I would have went with something smaller!
It doesn’t have to be a $500 unit. I paid $250 for a 220v induction cooktop. Granted, my BK is only 13” vs your 16” which does pose a problem.
Because you have this problem why not investigate another heat source? Many manufacturers offer heating elements and controllers that work great. Here are a cpl examples but there are many more available: