16th Annual Music City Brew Off with Gordon Strong

Announcing the 16th Annual Music City Brew Off
November 4th and 5th, 2011

To all homebrewers, judges, stewards, and beer enthusiasts, I personally invite you to the 16th Annual Music City Brew Off.  We are continuing our efforts to make our competition the finest in the South East.  Our competition this year will be held at the Courtyard Marriott in Goodlettsville, TN (865 Conference Drive, 37072).  Room rates for Attendees are $82/night (2 Queen room or King) or $99 for a Suite.  Please use the link on our website:  http://www.musiccitybrewers.com or call the hotel:  615-851-3000.  This year’s special guest will be Gordon Strong, author of ‘Brewing Better Beer’, Accomplished Homebrewer, and President of the BJCP.

This year we will be kicking off our festivities with a dinner followed by presentation by Gordon  (Brewing Better Beer and brewing for competitions). Menu TBA.

On Friday afternoon we will have a judging session starting at 3 pm.  This will last for 3 hours. Dinner and presentation to follow starting at 7 pm.  Saturday morning our BJCP/AHA Sanctioned Competition will continue. We will have a Judge and Steward orientation beginning at 8:30.  Judging will start at 9:00 and end at noon.  Lunch will be provided for all judges and stewards courtesy of the Music City Brewers.  Judges  and stewards will be receiving a special gift from the MCB in appreciation of their participation.  Following the judging will be the BOS round starting at 2:00 and running till 4:00.  The Awards Ceremony and Raffle will begin at 5:00 and run until 7:00.

All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from beer categories 1-23 will receive a medal and a gift certificate from Rebel Brewer ($15, $10, and $5 respectively). Best of Show will also receive a medal and a gift certificate of $150 from Rebel Brewer.  2nd and 3rd Best of Show will also receive medals and gift certificates ($75 for 2nd and $50 for 3rd).  Best of Meads and Ciders will receive medals as well along with gift certificates from Rebel Brewer (1st- $30, 2nd- $15, 3rd- $10). 
The winner of the Hop God Challenge will receive a $250 certificate from Rebel Brewer. Please contact Tom Vista directly for entering the Hopgod Challenge *** Do not register your HopGod Entries in the program****  These Entries are $10/entry and you must enter 3 bottles.  Please print off the standard labels from http://www.bjcp.org for these entries.

Also ‘The Ed Tate Club Award’ will be given to one of the participating clubs with a minimum of 10 entries.  The Ed Tate Award represents a quality award based on 10 categories of involvement.  The winning club will receive an engraved plaque and will also be engraved on a permanent plaque held by the Music City Brewers.
Following the awards will be our 2nd annual “Club Crawl”.  This is basically the same as NHC club night. We will have the ballroom set up with tables and jockey boxes where regional clubs can bring their beers to showcase.  This was a blast last year, so hopefully the fun will continue.  If you or your club would like to have a table, please contact me to make arrangements. Dinner on Saturday night will be on your own.  There is a Bistro in the hotel and several restaurants that are very close.

Interested in Judging/Stewarding please contact Jonathan Adams at bigjohn3957@gmail.com

For details regarding the HopGod Challege, please contact Tom Vistsa
Tom Vista:  hoptyrant@gmail.com

Interested in having a table at the “Club Crawl” please contact Jonathan Adams at bigjohn3957@gmail.com

Hotel Reservations can be made by going to our website and following the link for reservations.

Dinner Reservations:  Details to follow.  Keep an eye on the website

Entry and Judge/Steward Registration is up and running now.
Rules, Regulations and all timelines can be found at http://www.musiccitybrewers.com
Entry registration will close on October 14th . We are accepting entries starting on October 14th.  All entries must be at Rebel Brewer by 5 pm on October 21st (No exceptions). 
Please ship all entries to: MCBO
                                    C/O: Rebel Brewer Homebrew Supply
                                    105 Space Park North
                                    Goodlettsville, TN 37072
                    Store Hours for drop off:

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding the 16th Annual Music City Brew Off. 
Jonathan Adams, Competition Director
Phone:  615-504-7673 Email:  bigjohn3957@gmail.com

Hope to see you all there

Don’t miss out! Entry registration will close on October 14th

Thanks again to Gordon Strong for being our guest this past weekend. It was an awesome talk you gave on “Brewing Better Beer” and competition brewing! I was excited to get paired up with you to judge the Schwarzbiers

The complete list of 2011 MCBO Winners should be posted shortly.

Here are the Best of Show results as judged by BJCP President Gordon Strong, BJCP South Rep Phil Farrell, and BJCP judge Steve Scoville.

Marc Powell 1st Place: Insanity Pils: German Pils
Danny Sawyer 2nd Place: Birds On the Bat: Cream Ale
Josh Rachel 3rd Place: Fight of the Falcon: American Pale Ale
Brandon Jones 4th place Honorable Mention: Hello, My Name is Flanders: Flanders Red

I’m reading his book right now, dang good read.

Best Of Show:
Marc Powell 1st Place: Insanity Pils: German Pils
Danny Sawyer 2nd Place: Birds On the Bat: Cream Ale
Josh Rachel 3rd Place: Fight of the Falcon: American Pale Ale
Brandon Jones 4th place Honorable Mention: Hello, My Name is Flanders: Flanders Red

2011 winners list

Category Place Winner Name Club Affiliation Beer Name

Light Lager and Pilsner
1st Marc Powell Brewmasters of Alpharetta Insanity Pils (German Pils)
2nd Gil Cupp Music City Brewers Viva La Bohem (Bo Pils)
3rd Nishan Derbabian Mid State Brew Crew Pre Pro Pils

Amber Lagers
1st Erik Hofmeister Alez Octoberfest
2nd David Arndt Octoberfest
3rd Chris Shafer Basin Brewers Octoberfest

Dark Lagers and Bocks
1st Chris Shafer Basin Brewers Schwarzbier
2nd Tony Giannasi Barley Mob Doppelbock
3rd Tony Giannasi Barley Mob Bock

Light Hybrid
1st Danny Sawyer MCB Birds on the bat cream ale
2nd Josh Rachel Brewmasters of Alpharetta Krunk Kolsch
3rd Gil Cupp MCB Endless Summer Kolsch

Amber Hybrid
1st Bunker Bunch MCB` I cant believe its not butter
2nd Dave Dixon BOCK Dreaded California Common
3rd Phil Snyder MCB Steamworks

English Pale Ales
1st Dale Overdorf MCB ESB
2nd Tyler Crowell MCB Best Bitter
3rd Joe McCusker Covert Hops Lazy Iguana Full on Bitters

Scottish and Irish Ales
1st Tony Gianassi Barley Mob 80 Shizz (9C)
2nd Joe Phillips St. Louis Brews Wild Willy’s Wee Heavy
3rd Michael Johnson Rocket City Brewers Northern Sunset Red Ale

American Ales
1st Josh Rachel brewmasters of Alpharetta Flight of the falcon (American Pale)
2nd Josh Rachel brewmasters of Alpharetta Brown Wednesday
3rd Brett Donnals Bluff City Brewers American Pale 208

English Brown Ales
1st Daniel Howell Covert Hops Mild
2nd Jeff Kinzer Bluff City Brewers Northern English Brown
3rd Tony Gianassi Barley Mob Northern English Brown

1st Scott Beavers Mid State Brew Crew Thin Man Porter (12B)
2nd Chris Arnt Barley Mob B2 (12A)
3rd Phil Snyder Music City Brewers One’s Enough (12C)

1st Josanna Dixon BOCK Bonehead brewing RIS
2nd Stephen Ott St. Louis Brews RIS
3rd David Brown MCB Belgian Stout

India Pale Ales
1st Josh Rachel Brewmasters of Alpharetta Flight of the falcon (American Pale)
2nd Jeremy Taylor Mid State Brew Crew Kama Citra
3rd Nishan Derbabian Mid State Brew Crew Old Glory

German Wheat and Rye
1st Chris Arnt Barley Mob Arnt Brau Wheat 15A
2nd Chris Shafer Basin Brewers Dunkelweizen
3rd Tina Harkonen UKG Hefe 1

Belgian and French Ales
1st Mark Forrester MCB Orval Clone
2nd Clint Paden Covert Hops Undercover Professionelle
3rd Mark Forrester MCB` Teds Homegrown Wit

Sour Ales
1st Brandon Jones Music City Brewers Hello…My Name Is Flanders
2nd Bunker Bunch/Brandon Jones Music City Brewers F##k your dumb wheat beer
3rd Tom Gentry Music City Brewers Rebel Sour Vice

Belgian Strong Ales
1st Paul Vaughn Mid State Brew Crew Red Cap (18E)
2nd Marc Powell Brewmasters of Alpharetta Stand Up Tripel
3rd Mike Semich Mid State Brew Crew Quadratic

Strong Ales
1st Dave Dixon BOCK Dreaded Old Ale
2nd Tony Giannasi Barley Mob American Barleywine
3rd Dave Dixon BOCK Dreaded Barleywine

Fruit Beers
1st Josanna Dixon BOCK April Showers apricot wheat
2nd Alan Brune john’s creek blueberry ale
3rd Brandon Jones Music City Brewers`Purple ‘Drank’ Yo

Spice herb and Vegetable Beers
1st Jody Kane Bluff City Brewers Rosemary Queen (Rosemary Pale Ale)
2nd Brent Boden Happy Jack’s Pumpkin Ale
3rd Marc Powell Brewmasters of Alpharetta Vanilla Aged Lord of Darkness

Smoked and Wood aged Beers
1st Brandon Jones MCB - Oaked up 'lil nugget with Brett L
2nd Clint Paden Covert Hops Mr Ed (Oaked American Brown
3rd Phil Vacca Peat Smoked Porter

Specialty Beers
1st Ben Pugh Bluff City Brewers Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Beer
2nd Ed Wildermuth MCB Pumpkin Ale
3rd Peter Zhou Bluff City Brewers Purple Rain

1st Andrew McMichael Class of 09 Mead
2nd DJ Druzisky Insert Name Here Brew Club DFB Ancient Orange Mead
3rd Michael Johnson Rocket City Brewers Oh The gall! Gallberry Honey Mead

1st Phil Snyder MCB Tn sparkling cider
2nd Phil Kane Bluff City Brewers Dickens Cider
3rd Jody Kane Bluff City Brewers Queen’s Cider