19th Annual New England Homebrewer’s Jamboree

For all you New England based homebrewers (and beyond)

19th Annual New England Homebrewer’s Jamboree
September 11th and 12th 2015
Tamworth Camping Area

Come Join Us for the Night or the Weekend!
All Proceeds go to Benefit the NH Chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Each and every fall, Homebrewers from throughout New England converge upon the doorstep of New Hampshire’s White Mountains for a weekend filled with food, friends, fun, music and of course …great homebrewed beverages.

This event, always held the weekend after Labor Day, features some of New England’s finest homebrew clubs , great local music, an onsite homebrew competition, brewing demon-strations, kids activities and plenty of great food. Festivities get going Friday with a Brewers Dinner and live entertainment and lead to Saturdays main attractions.

Last year over 20 clubs from all over New England shared their homebrew wisdom and knowledge as well the fruits of their labor! An onsite homebrewed beer, wine and cider competition is held with last years competition drawing over 342 entries. Best part is, anyone 21 or over can sign up to judge! Food vendors are onsite to keep those bellies full and GoLocal music provides an afternoon of fantastic entertainment.