1st All-Grain Batch

On Sunday we bottled our first batch of all-grain brew.  Up until now we have used Brewer’s Best Kits.  For this recipe we used the Lonely Amarillo Pale Ale recipe from the March-April edition of Brew Your Own Magazine.  It looked, smelled and tasted great as we were bottling it.  We sampled the the beer we poured into the hydrometer tube.  It will be hard to wait two weeks for it to condition.

Thanks to all of you who have given me advice in response to my multiple questions.  Your help has been invaluable.


Hope you have another one in the pipeline. You’ll be amazed at how fast this first batch will get consumed.

We did a ten gallon batch.  That should last awhile.  While bottling, we discussed our next batch.

“Homer, I’m worried about our beer situation. After this case, and the other case, there’s only one case left.”

We’re telling you dude, brew soon, cause it goes fast! Congrats to ya!!!

Yup. Brew now! I ran out and am now sniffing airlocks on 40 gals.  :(  :-[  8)

Congrats and welcome to the hobby!  8)

There’s no looking back now.

For two people that’s maybe a month’s worth of beer. Get to brewing. We know from experience…

BTW congrats on the transition to AG. Your brewing horizon just opened up. :smiley:

Ten gallons is the buffer…let’s you know it’s time to brew!

Welcome to fatherhood… you’re one of us now.

Lets see… A German Ale on tap, a Kölsch in the cellar to back it up… Blonde ale on tap, two buckets of American Brown five days into the primary to take it’s place… One IPA on tap, one right behind it ready to take it’s place, another ready to keg. One keg of Belgian ale that needs another week or two.

Party in June where I need two… two week event in August where I will need everything I can muster… like 6 or more…

Gotta get brewing here…

You guys must be good luck.  Several of you encouraged me to start the next batch right away to build up my reserves.  I am short on fermenters so I need a few more to get several batches in the pipeline.  THE NEXT DAY, I drove past a house that had 4 of the five gallon water cooler bottles in their recycling.  They were empty but still had the plastic caps on them.  I now have four additional secondary fermenters.  Let the brewing begin!
