Hey guys! I am super new to this forum (first post actually), and to brewing in general. I brewed my first batch (West Coast style IPA) without the help of my dad this past Sunday and have a quick and probably easy question about fermentation length. The recipe I’m using simply says to keep fermenter in a cool dark place for 2-3 weeks prior to bottling. My question is how can I really tell when fermentation is complete? Am I correct in thinking that I can take SG after about a week and then every couple of days and when SG levels off fermentation is complete?
Awesome, glad my pouring over this forum for the past day has taught me something!
Follow up question…I’ve ordered bottles online but they aren’t scheduled to arrive until about a week from now. Will any harm be done by leaving everything in the fermenter after final gravity has been reached? Thinking about autolysis and off flavors caused by it specifically.
No worries - your beer won’t suffer any autolysis in a week’s time. Autolysis can happen at home, but generally after leaving the beer in the fermenter for much longer. It is more a concern in breweries, whose vastly larger fermenters place much more pressure on yeast cells. All good!
Whew! Glad to hear that. Thanks again for the help. Time to troll the forums some more and find a recipe for an easy summer drinker. First batch isn’t even out of the fermenter and I’m itching to brew again!