1st run vs 2nd run SG

I use a calculator for batch sparge created yrs ago by Ken Schwartz. It says I should get X on the 1st run and Y on the 2nd run. I never get those numbers. I always get less by a few points on the 1st run and more by a few points on the 2nd run. I really don’t care because I make great beer that in the end is usually spot on OG or within a point or two either way …but I am simply curious why this would happen consistently over many brews and grain bills.

With all due respect to Ken’s work, toss it…I worked with him, feeding him my numbers as he developed that.  It never matched up, nor is it necessary.  As to why it doesn’t match, it could be something as simple as a different potential in the grain you’re using or a slight variation in volume.

Can’t you just decrease your efficiency when calculating out your grain bill on software to make up for those several lost points?

Thanks guys.

That’s kinda where I am heading based on my experience Denny.  If it was one or two brews I’d look in the mirror, but brew after brew consistently with the same result means I gotta be doing something right as far as consistency is concerned.  I am 33 all grain brews in, so by no means an expert …but I know something ain’t right.

I have my software dialed in brewinhard, just like to track 1st and 2nd runnings, which to this point have been low on 1 and high on 2 every time.  My combined SG is within a point or two so I am pleased with that.  I am beginning to think Denny’s recommendation sounds pretty good right now.

Like you said, if you are within 1-2 points of your attempted OG then that is a win in my book!