Well this seasonal is back on the shelves here and dang I like this beer.
I will stock up on it and hoard it because the season will soon be gone.
I dig the flavor of the Sterling Hops in this beer. Recommend if you have it
available in your vicinity. all ten of my thumbs point skyward
I really love it on tap the rare times I get out of the house to drink. I saw it at the grocery store today, I may buy some tomorrow and see how it is in bottles.
Oh? I’ve seen it on the shelves before. Will look for it. Got a description?
Best I can tell you Euge, (my taste budz are untrained) It is like a fat tire with hops
Did I mention I REALLY like this beer and am so glad I put back some
for the off season… ;D
:o Man, I am amazed at your ability to hide beer!
Although, having some of that on hand seems appropriate
given the weather this “spring” :
How does it age?
Not keeping it more than 6 months…It tastes like 2 below even in the summer.
Yeah you are right this weather is strangely like N. west coast weather.
I only have 10 bottles left. and then I have 11 bottles of Mighty Arrow…
Hmmmm, I really liked the Arrow as well.
Dang, enjoy. Spring really is coming…
Had a bottle of my stash today, BTW, I REALLY like this beer… 8)
I really like a Nice cold 2 Below on a hot 4th of July. Did I say I really like this Beer ???
Yes… 8)
Well I suppose I did, but just maybe it is the Sterling Hops that I like… ??? :o
Anyway I really like this beer
Word in the CO beer distribution scene is that the 2 Below is gone. Yep. Discontinued.
You certainly gave up the valiant fight. ;D
I will have at least one fond memory of it.
On tap at Billy Goat Gruffs. Hells yes.
What will they sub as a winter ale?
Well, if that’s true, luckily you can make it yourself! A friend of mine made a clone that was nearly spot on - all gleaned only from info on the NB website (nice Walt!). Check it out:
I still have a few bottles…will they go up in value? :-\
Gawd I hope you are wrong Pinnah…that is one great brew I will have to lobby
my cause to Peter.
Edit: just goes to show, If I like it and it works for me…It’s going away…
Re-Edit: Confirmed with a communique from the Brewery PR ppl. 2 Below is History
replaced with a “Similar” thing…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Did I say how much I like this beer?? Well that figgers cause if it is good
and I like it I can pretty much guarantee it will disappear offa the shelves.
I have 3 Bottles Left…sigh
One of what could possibly be the LAST 3 bottles went into the refridgerator as staging
for a liquid recycling adventure. This night after werk that adventure is planned
…leaving what could be the LAST 2 bottles on the planet of this fine ale… remaining…
Proof positive that if I like it and it does well by me, that it is prolly going to go away. No matter
what IT may be… >:(
Thought I just saw some on the shelves recently. ???
End of the last production run? Last Winter? Or perhaps my pleading was heard?
Probably not the latter… :
Haven’t seen this beer yet…but I’ll look for it the next chance I can get. Thanks for the heads up.