I’ve had two late dropouts for the exam that I’m giving in two weeks.
Unless you’re VERY well prepared and have already passed the online qualifier exam, I don’t recommend that a first-time exam taker attempt the exam on such short notice, but this is a great chance to improve your score if you wish to retake the exam.
Rochester, NY
Saturday, August 19th, 10 AM
@ Swiftwater Brewing Company
contact thomasbarnes AT frontiernet.net by Thursday, August 17 to reserve your seat.
Rochester is approximately 5 hours from NYC or Philly, 4 hours from Cleveland, OH, Pittsburgh, PA, or Ottawa, ON. It’s about 3 hours from Albany, NY or GTA, Ont.
FWIW, I’m a former BJCP grader and I’ve offered the tasting exam several times before, so I know what I’m doing. I’ve also lined up three great proctors. It should be a good exam, and I strive to make it as fair as possible while still testing your skills.