Does anyone out there use one of the smaller igloo coolers for grain steeping, partial mashing, or one gallon size batches? How does it work? What kind of temperature drop can I expect with a 2 gallon cooler over the course of 30-60 minutes?
I use a 3 gal. cooler sometimes. Temp drop is about the same as my other coolers. 1-2 F per hour.
I have used a small cooler, but had to make a modification to reduce the heat loss. My original top was poorly insulated and was the source of most of my heat loss. I added some disks of foam insulation that fit tightly inside the cooler below the screw-on lid. My only complaint after the modification is how hot the button gets when you have to hold it down for several minutes to drain the cooler. I purchased a stainless steel ball valve to replace the original valve and that problem is now gone.
Good to know. I have a big project in the works that will involve brewing a lot more often than my normal rate and am thinking about making smaller batches so I won’t end up with a supply that will be too large to drink before a bunch of it goes bad.
I have a two gallon cooler and see a fair amount of heat loss if it sits on the counter. I think the problem is the lack of insulation in the lid. I set the oven to it’s lowest setting at 170F and once it hits temperature I put the cooler in the oven and cut the heat. With that process I get very little temperature loss.