I have a couple cups, maybe close to a quart of 2-week old slurry I collected when I kegged a kolsch. It’s been in the fridge since I kegged and I’m planning to split it between two 5 gallon carboys tomorrow. I think that there is more than enough to do two batches. But, given that it’s been sitting for a bit, what’s the best way to handle it to get it ready? I was considering adding 1 or 2 quarts of 1.040 wort to it today just to wake it up but is that wise? Is it better to just split it and pitch it tomorrow?
Please advise on what you think would give the best result.
I would think it would be fine to pitch as is but what is the OG of the batches you are planning to pitch it to?
OG target is fairly moderate. About 1.050 to 1.055. Looking for another batch of the same session Kolsch I made before. Just want something light and drinkable.
At 2 weeks old, I’d just pitch it as is.
Me too.
Ditto. Done it many a time. Cheers!!!
Thanks guys. I’m gonna call it a 4:0 for direct pitching so that’s what I’m doing tomorrow.
I’d pitch it too but expect a lag.

Thanks guys. I’m gonna call it a 4:0 for direct pitching so that’s what I’m doing tomorrow.
Done it, worked like a charm… 5:0