20,000 BTU?

I’m moving out of the partial mash kitchen scene and into the great all grain outdoor propane scene.  I currently have a 20,000 BTU burner and plan to upgrade in a couple of months. Will 20,000 and one full tank be enough to boil 8 gal for an hour? Thanks!
Edit: I’ll be brewing in a Sanke keggle.


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It might take you a little while to get to boiling with 20K btu’s, but you will and a full tank is more than enough to get you there. If the wind is blowing all bets are off.

If you can, weigh the tank before and after the brew session, That will give you an idea how much you used and if you need to refill for the next time.

Buy a new regulator, needs more gas to increase the BTU’s. Check the Agri Supply web site and find the burner you have. Most normal regs are 5psi, need at least 10psi.

Thanks for the responses.

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