2010 Joke of the Year

Two women were sitting quietly together, minding their own business.

Now that is funny! I’ll have to try that one on the ladies at work and see what they think…

How fast can you duck?

what is the probability of two deaf, mute, blind women sitting next to each other ;D

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

They laughed. They know it’s true smack talking b:->!?@&

I admit to sometimes being a humorless jerk, but I’ve gotta say that I find this in really bad taste and not funny in any way.  Just my opinion…

I agree. Not funny and degrading. It should be locked or better yet, deleted.

It’s not like we’ve gone to dirty limericks… yet.

I don’t think AHA has banned anyone yet - I have plenty of jokes that could make me the first.
We all have different thresholds, different lines, different filters, let’s all just have a homebrew.

I found it very funny. LOL funny. My wife did too. That is the thing about jokes. A sense of humor is VERY
subjective. 50 years ago it would have been very bad. Now…in this PC world, like they said, “…know when to
duck.” It could be either, a man or woman taking the swing.

I was laughing at Carson at age three…My parents worried about my sense of humor then…But to show
that a sense of humor is top priority in my world, I laugh at Sunday comics, out loud. I find it extremely
important to be able to laugh at a joke, “inappropriate” as it may be, the fact that it is a joke trumps the
bad aspect of it.

By the way, I do have laugh induced asthma…As much as I love to laugh, it hurts sometimes.

Thank you for a sensible response, Dingo. Aren’t the majority of jokes at the expense of someone or some thing? That’s why they’re JOKES.

Criminy!    :-\

Oooooo, dirty limericks.  “There once was a man from Nantucket…”

I thought it was funny. It took me a minute to get it, but then again I’m kind of slow.

I don’t think it’s funny.  I’m not offended by it or anything, and I see why it’s supposed to be funny.  It’s just not any funnier than this one:

How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world does it take to do the dishes?
Both of them.

Not really funny, not offensive either, just . . .meh.

I told my wife that joke.  It went something like this:

Me: Hey, I heard a joke today.  Two women were sitting together quietly…
Her (interrupting): Well, that doesn’t seem very likely
Me: minding their own business.

Her: Oh.

It’s probably funnier if you’re drunk, Chris Rock is telling it, and it contains more profanity than other words.  At least that’s how it seems on HBO.

Okay, I agree it was NOT the joke of the year, maybe for some not that funny, but I would say cute . . maybe even clever.
However, to be offended is beyond my ability to reconcile, I’m afraid.  :slight_smile:

In the future I will refrain from title previewing a post as a JOKE and let the reader use discernment to figure it out.

LOL Both of them! I love it…

Or, “Only one, if you can peel him away from the boil kettle long enough…”

The women at work laughed at the joke- no hesitation! But I tried the two good guys joke and they didn’t get it.

My apologies to everyone. My pet cricket has restless leg syndrome.

Guy in a bear suit walks into a bar.