2010 Longshot finalists

[quote]Alixandra Peters  Brewed with Egyptian Chamomile, Hawaiian Honey and Heather tips

Michael Eads  Wheat beer brewed with honey and wolfberries

Mark Joy  Witbier brewed with roasted chili peppers, agave nectar, Indian coriander, fresh orange zest

Jeff Fuller  Imperial Black IPA

Brian Swisher Baltic Porter brewed with Ancho Chiles

Richard Roper Imperial IPA

Thomas Malowski  Vienna Lager with pink peppercorn

Joe Giovenco  Imperial Rye IPA

Rodney Kibzey  Black American IPA


WOW, they are just posting this?

They told me a few weeks ago thanks but no thanks  :cry:

you got your scoresheets?

I was poking around trying to find some info because I haven’t gotten anything, and saw the finalist lists

No, I got a call over a month agoi asking for more bottles and the recipe.

Got a call a few weeks back saying thanks but no thanks.

AH, I get you now, the Imperial Black IPA right?  Final 9 out of 800 entries is nothing to sneeze about.

How does an Imperial IPA make it to finals of Cat 23???

I swear if something with peppers wins I’ll lose it.

isn’t that you?

Would that technically qualify as Cat21 Spice, Herb or Vegetable Beer?


Yeah, and Denny is brewing a fruited Hefe this weekend

no, Jeff Fuller: Imp Black IPA?

I’d be happy with top 9 - then you have the pride of making the top ten without the disappointment of SA not making the production beer anything like what you submitted  :wink:

Happy, yeah but the waiting after getting the call was pins and needles man
Pins and needles

All I wanted was the trip to the GABF for me and my wife
Of course then I would have wanted the 5K but in all reality, hanging with Jim Koch at the GABF would have been awesome

I’m with you on both of those

Oooohh, that’s nasty!  ;D

Nice work Jeff.

Do you think it’s rigged?  :-\

I’ll let you know when I see/taste what won :smiley:
I’d sure like to have tasted the other 8 beers, be interested to see the 4 that moved on.

I’d be shocked if it were rigged, they brewed an Imperial IPA during the hop shortage.

Egyptian Chamomile, Hawaiian Honey and Heather tips

I guess where the Heather came from was insignificant?