I thought this would be a good topic as we approach the New Year. Do you have any specific goals for 2011?
For myself, this year was I was kind of sporadic in what I brewed. I jumped from one brew to another based on whim; trying out several new styles and techniques. In the process I settled on a few beers that I really want to work on and attempt to perfect over the course of the next year.
So for the next year I’ll be concentrating on my BoPils, CAP, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, and ESB. I’ll brew other things of course (I’d probably get bored otherwise), but I’d like to brew each of those at least four times this year, which will account for about 75% of my brewing schedule.
In addition, over the course of the next few months I’m going be piecing together my kegging rig and hope to have that up and running by spring.
2010 was so good I’d be happy if I could do as well. (Honestly I hope to have less free time and more money.) Next year I’d like to send a few to the NHC.
If I could keep doing what I’m doing production wise, 1 batch a month and style-wise: 1 yeast strain for 4 consecutive batches per vial, I’ll be happy.
I always like to try styles I’ve failed at previously. Last year: finally got that ESB right! This year: Saison.
Also, I might try a brett beer, and I’d like to get a 40 in a comp.
While I’m at it, I’d like my club, The Greater Denver Yeast Infection to do more club activities.
OK, no more goals.
Get the AG going, and lower production cost, while at the same time continuing to read the great masters’ works. Get good at Belgians/old ales, one lager for Mom, and start a bottle collection of beers that will age well…
I want to be the all-being brewmaster of time, space and dimension. Then, I want to go to Europe.
Hope to improve my brewing setup, technique and maybe win a medal or two. 2010 started out ok but family commitments got in the way and I haven’t brewed in over 2 months.
Oh, and hope to brew a beer in Febraury to celebrate the Patriots 4th Superbowl Victory!!!
I’d like to search out more commercial examples of styles I’m not familiar with to give me ideas an what I want to brew. I want to continue to tweak a couple recipes that show a lot of promise: A fruit stout and a Gotlandsdricke. I just discovered Brewing Network podcasts a couple months ago, so I have a lot of listening to do to catch up on the archives. Over the last year I made several improvements in my process: a small mash tun, gear to make starters (including stir plate), and O2 injection system. My next priority is going to be better temperature control of my fermentations. I have an area which is very constant in temperature (58F right now), but I don’t want to be limited in what I brew based on the season. After that would be a kegging system. About the last thing on my list would be going to AG. It seems like people make a big deal out of AG vs. mini-mash, but it seems to me that other process improvements would probably buy me more in terms of quality at this point.
For 2011, I really want to explore German styles (especially lager styles) that I either haven’t brewed before or haven’t brewed very frequently (e.g., Dortmunder Export, German Pils, Schwarzbier, Alt, Weissbier, etc.).
I also want to try Hochurz and decoction mashes to begin evaluating them for myself. I think I’ve done very well with single infusions, but I’m always looking to improve my process (if it can be improved, of which I’m not certain).
Improved fermentation temp control. What I’ve got works very well but it requires a little too much manual intervention and it can only take care of one at a time. Be nice to redesign it to handle two at a time with less work.
Get my fundamentals down pat. Brew an Old Style clone and have an Opening Day party for the Cubs. Brew a Kolsch and mow the lawn more often. Brew something super dark and roasty and age it in a barrel. Plant and grow my own hops, and try to grow a bit of barley or wheat, just to see how it works. Also, I’d love to make it to the US for a little vacation, either for the “Dogfish Head Experience” or something out west.
Non-brewing goals include losing some weight (doesn’t everybody have this one?), paying off the IRS from last year, and getting an SARL which would in turn make me the CEO of a multinational corporation (albeit one with only one employee ). Also I’d like to read more to the little guy - I wanna get through all of the Hobbit and LOTR before his second birthday.
More lagers and German styles like alts and Kolsch. At least 2 different rauchbiers, maybe a smoked porter or 2. Less emphasis on higher ABV, maybe some more milds.
This year I will have more time and money so I plan on brewing more. I may even enter a competition but that’s never been important to me.
I plan on getting a select few recipes down. I have 6 or 7 that I’ve brewed once or twice that I really like; so I’d like to concentrate on those, making small adjustments here and there.
I’d also like to get more in to water chemistry; maybe try building some water from RO.
I just started brewing this summer, so this is my first entire year t look forward to in brewing. On my third batch of beer discovered Amarillo hops and haven’t been able to move past it yet. The last three batches have been Amarillo based California Ale and Brown Ale and just can’t seem to get enough, but time to move on. My wife is asking for a porter so will do one of those next (no Amarillo, centennial, or cascade hops). I have a friend who has a gluten intolerant father so we are planning to get together and brew a beer based on amaranth seeds and other good stuff.
Also want to make a mash tun this week and start doing some 2.5 gallon all grain batches; starting with an old English ale with Maris Otter malt. Don’t have the space for 5 gallon AG batches.