2011 Buffalo County Fair Beer/Mead/Wine Competition

Fellow Brewers,

Please consider entering the 2011 Buffalo County Fair Beer/Mead/Wine Competition, an AHA/BJCP Sanctioned event hosted by the Kearney Area Brewers, Kearney Nebraska.

The entry fees is only $4.00 per entry.

Entries will be accepted between Friday, July 1 and Monday, July 18, 2011.

Here’s a link for additional details: http://www.kearneyareabrewers.com/?page_id=47

Tom Hamilton
Kearney Area Brewers

Bump…  :wink:

I may a have couple bottles from NHC from entries that didn’t advance to the 2nd round ( shocking I know  :wink: ).

Maybe I’ll send them in to see how they do.

That would be GREAT!  We have entries coming in from all over the country.  I think you’d be the first one from NH though.  :wink: Cheers!!!

Here are the final results. http://www.kearneyareabrewers.com/?page_id=285
