2013 AHA Governing Committee Subcommittee reports

Howdy members,

I’m pleased to share with you the 2013 AHA Governing Committee Subcommittee report.  Within this report you’ll find a summation of the respective subcommittees’ missions, accomplishments, challenges and next steps.

While the GC deals with topics, issues, challenges, member’s feedback, and opportunities at large, the vehicle for change and action is largely done through the subcommittees.

AHAGC subcommittees are made up of AHA members and non-members alike, but all are chaired by an AHAGC member.  Subcommittees are created based on need and interest, and members volunteer their time and service.  Chairs are responsible for achieving sub-com goals, vetting new/potential members, and guiding the work and actions of the group.  If you are interested in contributing to a subcommittee, or want to learn more about what they do, please contact the sub-com using the “Contact the XXXX subcommittee” link listed under each subcommittee description.

Please take a minute to visit the AHAGC page here to learn more about who the Governing Committee is, and what we do for you: Join or Renew - American Homebrewers Association

To download the report, go here: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/attachments/0001/6518/AHAGC_subcom_report_2013.pdf

Cheers and happy brewing!

Jake Keeler
AHA Governing Committee Chair