It will take me about 9.5 hours to drive to Philadelphia. One can drive the same distance and time from San Diego to Deming, NM. I don’t consider NM on the west coast.
There were a lot of rumors at the NHC, but this one was the credible one. Best worst kept secret ever.
Grand Rapids beat out several cities for the event, including Austin, Texas, which was knocked out by strict liquor-control laws that prevented further consideration.
So TABC blocked a Texas NHC? Happy to see we’re getting close, but sad at our backwards alcohol laws. If its ok to post, anyone in Texas that wants to support changing these laws should look into Open the Taps. They’re getting some things done in Austin and also throw some good beer/membership parties.
sweet, this will be an awesome location. now if only KBS is the beer for the opening toast it’ll be perfect. ;D
as always, curious which other cities were in the running. Also curious what the the specific problem Texas has is. They seem to do a fine job with BlueBonnet. I’m rooting for those guys whatever the issue is.