Trying to find a place in the 2015 guidelines for a Stingo that’s spent some time in a Oak Whiskey barrel. This was a fresh barrel, so the whiskey is prominent, but not overbearing. I’m thinking 33B, Specialty Wood-Aged Beer?
Exactly right. 33B
Yep 33B but be sure to explain what stingo is in your description.
That could be the challenge. It took a few paragraphs for the article in Zymurgy to do that and it still wasn’t clear cut.
The barrel aging gives this beer a good place in the 2015 guidelines, but a straight up Stingo would be hard to pin down in the 50 character that a lot of competitions give you for description. Possibly something in Historical Beers?
You would want to be a little vague with the description. If it’s too specific a lot of judges will doing you if you don’t match exactly. I would just say strong historical English-style ale with Brett and lacto. A judge should be able to determine if it’s englishy with Brett and lacto in it.
judges understand character limits on entry forms, and almost everyone has a smart phone. You could attach a more thorough description of the beer to the bottles. However I’ve seen those sometimes passed on to judges and sometimes removed so at a minimum I’d also explain the situation to the organizer if going that route.
Sorry in advance… shift change, no sleep
I would simply say “taste extra bottle I sent, thats what I was shooting for”
Disregard, I think thats what I’d say when submitting a Clone of my own one-off under 34a