2016 ProMash .dat Updates

To all the PM users out there,

I am just about finished with a complete 2015 BJCP .dat file for ProMash. Anyone interested? Message me and I’ll get the file to you.

Should be finished with the 2015 BJCP guidelines .dat file later this week.

Here is an updated WATER.dat with all the Bru’n Water water profiles for anyone interested:


----EDIT 9/8/16----
DAT File Link Below
You can grab a zip with RPIScotty’s updated ProMash DATs here: (Styles, Malt, Water)
-Choose the ‘Download through your Browser’ option


Great work there - I didn’t have the patience to do this myself! It slips into promash perfectly.
I’d gladly accept any updated DAT files you produce, as I’m sure many others would.

Thanks man! BJCP file will be done this week. I only included up to the historical styles as they were the only ones with actual numbers and data.

Here is my Malt.dat file. Backup your current version before checking this one out as I removed some of the malts, extracts, etc. and used Maltster names as well:


Are you kidding me???  THANK YOU!

Your very welcome. Thank you for turning me onto ProMash.

The BJCP file will be complete and posted here tomorrow or Thursday.

Since there’s no ‘Thank You’ or ‘Like’ button to click I’ll have to say it again, in a new post.

Thank you Derek!!

Question: Have you developed some kind of “backend” exporter to generate these DAT files or are you manually entering everything one-by-one? How cool would it be to have a spreadsheet-like utility that can take copy-paste of large chunks of data and dump DAT files compatible with ProMash? I guess some kind of insight into the compiler/hashing of the DAT files would be needed, or an someone adept at reverse-engineering.

Edit: BTW, you should change the OP title to something like ‘ProMash DAT File Updates 2016’ or some such thing.

You are very welcome. People getting use our of them is thanks enough for me.

I tried to reverse engineer the .dat files to no avail. These things have all been manually entered.

Bad for me, good for you!

I can’t change the title because it’s my post.

Here is the 2015 BJCP Guideline file.

All categories up to the experimental beers are represented. I didn’t include anything past the historical beers because they didn’t have any values for Gravity, IBU, etc.

Let me know if there are any issues with the file:


This is AWESOME!  Thanks for doing this.

Here are three ProMash related things I’ve noticed since using it:

1.) I had issues finding where Win10 was stashing all my files. When I cleared this problem up I moved the entire ProMash folder to my desktop Microsoft OneDrive folder. Why is this interesting? On the surface your OneDrive folder is like any other folder on your desktop, except:

a.) You can sign in and out of it using you’re Office login. So? Say  Brewer A goes to Brewer B’s house and forgets the ProMash recipe report he printed. If Brewer B has OneDrive installed then Brewer A can sign in and Viola! There entire OneDrive folder, including ProMash and all of its contents are there. Why does this work?

b.) OneDrive also has a cloud based web function as well. It syncs with your desktop folder to make the files available in both locations. This way, if Brewer B doesn’t use OneDrive, you could download the files to his computer in a pinch.

2.) Saving your ProMash folder to a flash drive is a convenient way to have it at your disposal without having your PC. Also convenient for using it on multiple PCs.

3.) You can access the ProMash website via the wayback machine, where snapshots of the page from 1998-Present are available.

Here is a new link for the folder that has all 3 .dat files in it (STYLES.BJCP, WATER.DAT and Malt.dat)


Awesome! Thank you for taking the time to do this.

I copied my ProMash directory and run it from Google Drive.  That way I always have my files backed up.

Anyone have a Windows XP win help .exe file they can send me? Having a devil of a time getting the help files to run in Win10.

I just happened  ::slight_smile: to find a link where you can snag it from. But it’ll probably be gone pretty soon.
Edit: [deadlink]

The shortcut I use in my start menu/desktop/etc for opening the help file has a target of:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\ProMash\winhlp32.exe” “C:\Program Files (x86)\ProMash\PROMASH.HLP”

Works well for me on Win8.1

Thanks a bunch.

For some reason it wasn’t even letting me install the executable direct from Microsoft.

I’m working on a way to convert the file from the .hlp extension to an HTML format that can be used in the newer operating sytems without issue.

Does this open the files internally while in ProMash or through win32hlp.exe?

win32hlp.exe is a super basic HTML browser if I recall. That command is opening the .HLP into the .exe kernel.