2017 Doug King Memorial Lager & Specialty Beer Competition

2017 Doug King Memorial Homebrew Competition!

It’s that time of year again when we fondly remember our compadre Doug King. Doug was a brewer’s brewer - always there to lend a hand to the club or another brewer. He was also fond of experimentation and was well known for his crazy experiments (loafs of rye bread, potatoes, tortillas - all in the mash) and his love of lagers.

He won the 1996 California State Fair for his Dougweiser.

As always, the Doug King Memorial Competition features lagers and specialty categories. The popular category first featured in last year’s Doug King Competition, “The British are Coming”, will also be on the menu this year!

The complete rules for the Doug King Memorial Homebrew Competition can be found at:

The deadline for entry dropoffs is Friday January 13, 2017.

Judging will be on Saturday January 21, 2017 at 9:00 AM

To enter, judge or steward the 2017 Doug King Competition:

Wish I had something on tap in one of the accepted categories, maybe next year…

We’ll keep it running just for you!

(Don’t forget there are the pretty broad Session and Imperial Cats as well)