2018 GABF Judging

Received the email last night I was selected as one of the new judges at GABF for 2018. Very excited at this opportunity. I know several people who have judged for many years and last year decided to apply. Before work just did not allow me to take enough time off to judge so I had not tried to get on the panel. My current position allows me to take off when needed so this will work out wonderfully!

Of course now I get to wait until September 2018…  8)

That is very cool.

Happy for you. Hope it’s a wonderful experience. It’s a lot of demanding work and you folks that do it are sometimes maligned, but know you are very much appreciated.

Congrats Mike

Congrats! I’m currently working on upping my BJCP rank.  I’d love to judge something like that! (Best of Craft Beer here in Oregon, was WAY smaller, but very fun!)


Very cool, Mike.  Congrats