2116 AHA Conf

I’ve seen the notices that the conference will be in Baltimore, MD, but no indication where in Baltimore.
Has anyone heard where in Baltimore the conference will be held?

There are a few people who know but they can’t say anything until it’s announced.  And I think you mean 2016, not 2116!  :slight_smile:

NHC 2116 has already been announced for Mare Nubium, right?

What’s a hundred years among friends?
Having been involved with other Nat’l organization conferences similar in size to the AHA, I know that the dates are usually driven by the availability of an adequately sized site in a particular location.
So, when a date is announced, the location/site has already been determined.
Don’t understand why the site would need to be kept secret when the date has been announced.

We knew which hotel would hold the conference more than 2 years ahead of the Seattle event.  That was part of the vetting process.  The AHA comes in and they do walk-throughs of the proposed space with the local committee as a prerequisite to even accepting the bid to host the event.  Part of the vetting process includes capacity, transportation, location with respect to supporting breweries, etc, local law considerations, etc.
The process is very involved and it really does take a couple of years to prepare.


When is this Steve?

It was NHC Seattle, back in June of 2012

Oh damn.  Thanks though.  I was hoping for a big local event.

Maybe they prefer to lock in the lodging packages before they actually announce, so they ensure adequate availability?

I’m sure it won’t be the same hotel as the last time Baltimore hosted - the one with the conferences on the top floors and basically one working elevator.

Well, that’s my point, if a city and a date have been announced, a physical site has already been selected.
At what point is the physical site of the conference usually announced?

Given the size of the conference these days, I’d think it has to be at the convention center downtown.  There are multiple hotels nearby but none of them are cheap.  If you wait for the announcement at registration time, the AHA room price may be your best bet.

Oh, you mean like San Diego?  ;D

I think you’ve got it.

There is gonna be a semi big, semi local event…the Pacific Northwest Homebrew Conference in Vancouver WA in March.  Kind of a mini NHC.

Denny,  Can you send me the details?  Either by reply or pm?

I vote for the Temples of Syrinx.
