2nd Annual Mead Free or Die

The second annual Mead Free or Die is scheduled for April 24th 2010, in Londonderry NH.

This competition last year had 168 entries, from 18 states.

We have another 660lbs barrel of wild flower honey that is up for the club of the year!!!  Additionally Black Cat Honey is willing to break the honey down into 5 gallon buckets so if your club wins and is willing to cover shipping costs… that’s a LOT of mead that can be made.

All judging will be led by either BJCP or Professional meadmakers.

More details can be found at, www.meadfreeordie.com

Michael Fairbrother

Mead Free or Die Organizer
President Brew Free or Die


I’m tempted to enter, but I’ll have to assess the remaining quantities.  Mmmmmmmmead!  :stuck_out_tongue:

Janis    :wink:

So fly out… and help judge!!!  I will be in Boulder to judge at the Mazer this month.

Hahahahaha, like I have nothing to do during the month of April, especially on the weekend when the Old West Region is judging.  I’d love to be able to fly out for your competition, but I’ll be too busy this year to get away from work.

When are you coming out for the Mazer?  I’ll probably miss you unless you come by the offices.  We have our BJCP exam that Saturday, so I’m not signing up to judge the Mazer this year.  :frowning:

I hope to see you!
