Dreaming about stepping up production and found this: http://shop.usedstainlesssteelbarrels.com/main.sc
Would also make a PDS(purty drum smoker). Shiny!
Awesome! And the price ok for the 304 steel. Make an awesome boil-kettle.
The $100+ shipping puts a damper on my enthusiasm, but it might still be a good deal. Nevermind the PDS though, the UDS works great
I picked up a surplus power transformer shell at the scap/recycle center last week. It is painted stainless steel, 47 gallons and never used. The scrapyard attendant thought it was carbon steel and sold it to me for $20. It is going to make an awesome boiler!
Score! Post action pics…
It is still good price.
Wow, that’s a great deal!
Transformer steel is often called Silicon Steel - up to about 4% Silicon and 93-96 Iron with minor (< 1%) additions of Nickel, Chromium, Aluminum, Titanium. If it was painted it is very likely not Austenitic (300 Series) Stainless.
They are some very nice looking drums. I would love to have one for use as a UDS.