750mL bottle carbing

Is there any changes that need to be made for carbonating beer with corn sugar in 750mL bottles versus the normal 12oz bottles.  I have usually used 1cp corn sugar per five gallons in a normal beer.  Has anyone ever used the carbing calculators online to adjust carbonation for a higher level?

No, the amount of sugar per volume of beer stays the same regardless of bottle size.

I always use a carbonation calculator when I plan to bottle condition the beer. It’s a bit more precise and doesn’t add that much work.


Are you using champagne bottles? The flat bottom ones are good to about 5 volumes, punted are good to about 7 volumes. But, at room temp 5 volumes with a crown is pretty volatile so be careful. I’d cork and cage if you want to go that high.

although trivial in this case, the amount of headspace does matter a scoche. example 20ml headspace in both bottles represents 20/355 vs 20/750. will change the pressure slightly.  this would be more relevant if you were putting 5 gallons of beer in a 10 gallon keg versus 5 gallons in a 5 gallon keg.  for what the op is doing it wouldn’t matter, in fact i tend to bottle condition, some goes in 12 oz and some goes in the 750s or larger.  i put the priming sugar in the bucket and that is that.

Yes, I agree with that. The head space in bottles is too small to matter. In addition the CO2 difference in the head space (~ 2 volumes at 14 psi) and beer (~2.5 volumes)  is also very small.
