A lot of good guys on here.

I won’t mention names, but the person responsible is certainly free to chime in. There are a lot of good guys  on this board. A couple years go, when I moved into my bachelor pad, one of you sent me a very nice care package. Prior to that some years ago, I was laid off work and some one from here had a sack of two row sent to my house and another hooked me up with a ton of hops.
  Then, just last week another sent me a grain mill to use in my in the works brewery. I want to thank you all again. This place is like family.

That’s a great testimonial weazeltoe. No physical gifts for me, but was not expecting any either. The knowledge I have gained here easily outweighs any gained through books or from other brewers(read LHBS employees) I have said it before, that I am not certain that I would still be brewing 3+ years after starting if I had not found this forum. Everyone ere is so helpful and generous with their knowledge, it is truly remarkable. I don’t have much experience with any other online forum, on any topic, so I have just always felt that that’s how other forums work. A quick look elsewhere for brewing or other topics of interest have shown me that this forum and these members are in a class all their own. A very big thanks goes out to all share endlessly here, you have provided a wealth of knowledge to me and everyone else who comes here for help.

Very well said,  Franx. These guys have helped me through a lot,  including the Jolly Rancher IPA incident of 2011. ;D


Yea, that was well before my time on here. May have to search it out, sounds really great.[emoji12]

Well, El Dorado hops weren’t around in 2011 (which rules it out as the Jolly Rancher component), so I assume the actual candy was used?  ???  Also,  :slight_smile:

It was cherry jolly ranchers. And it was very good despite the talk around here.

Speaking of the good guys, there are some guys we don’t hear from lately…say, like Klickitat Jim.  Busy with life, I hope.

I agree, Weaze.  There are a couple guys around here and on the NB forum who have really helped me out too.  A guy on the NB forum actually shipped me a two-keg setup with a regulator out of the goodness of his heart.  Amazing.  That was my push into kegging, and I still use all of that gear.  Totally unexpected.

Another guy on this board has been great with sharing hop rhizomes back and forth, helping me to expand my hopyard to 10 varieties.

I do my best to “pay it forward” by helping other brewers get started and acting as a brewing advisor for my community.  I’ve taught a bunch of classes which is really rewarding.  Recently I helped a guy set up a hopyard to support the brewpub he is opening in town this fall.  It’s cool to be involved in a hobby that draws such a supportive and generous crowd of people.  Cheers to the generosity of homebrewers!