A new member joins the AHA from Aurora, CO

Greetings All. My name is Graham Moran, I am a dad, husband, wanna-be chef, and hopefully soon a brewmaster. I am currently living in Aurora, CO with my lovely wife and two kids. I have a passion for all things culinary in nature. I love to cook varying foods and really love to eat. I spend a lot of time in front of some kind of grilling steel, anything from a Weber Gas Grill, to a Traeger Pellet Smoker, to a charcoal grill/smoker, to a cast iron griddle top.

I trained as a culinary chef in France for a year but don’t cook professionally.

Recently, I got this hair-brained idea to start reading about brewing beer as an extension of fascination with the food sciences. Living in Colorado I feel like I am making the right decision. I am currently reading How to Brewby John Palmer. My plan is to finish reading the book and then hit up my first brew after picking up a kit.

I am really excited to be here and can’t wait to learn from all of you.

Thank You in Advance

Welcome aboard!

Nice. Welcome. Brewing is a great hobby.

Welcome. Reading How to Brew then brewing a kit is a great way to start. HTB will get you making beer and by reading and referring to it along the way you will be able to ask more specific and effective questions on the forum.

Welcome to the brewing community.  With your culinary skills, it should come pretty easy to you, but ask questions as they arise - the folks here are pretty good people and have incredible knowledge about homebrewing, so consider this forum to be an available resource.  Then as you progress, you will go from an asker to an answerer.  And remember that there are often many ways to get to the result you seek.  Happy brewing!


You may want to stop by The Brew Hut in Aurora.

They are one of the better homebrew shops left in the Denver Metro Area.

They are having an introduction to extract brewing class this weekend.

It will give you a very good idea of what you will need to start brewing and fermenting.


Welcome. I’m just across the city border in Denver.

I agree, The Brew Hut is a great shop to have local. Well I guess local depending on what part of Aurora. Large selection, reasonable prices and they run a lot of homebrewing events. Lots of new breweries popping up all over Aurora, too.

I wouldn’t discourage you from buying a kit new but there is a lot of turnover in equipment these days and if you’re inclined you can find complete systems on craigslist and fb marketplace for a little less.

I was thinking they meant an ingredient kit.

Welcome! Enjoy homebrewing it’s a great hobby. I enjoy grilling and smoking meat too!

I live less than 5 minutes from the Brew Hut and Dry Dock South.