A salute to our veterans

Thanks for your service. (I know it’s a day early, but I won’t be around tomorrow).

Awsome story: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/final-toast-wwii-doolittle-raiders-peace-20841903


Here, Here!!!  Thank you to all who serve and have served their country in defense of our way of life.  Let us not fail them here at home.


+1. I lift a glass of my home brew in salute to all veterans!

Thanks for the link Keith.

We will remember the men and women who served the country. There have been many in the family.

Many in my family too.  Great story, Keith.

Happy birthday, Marines!


Thank you vets!

Well I will be mandated to work tomorrow on the holiday that I helped earn…and
despite the whims of my wonderful boss,  I salute you all back!!!

Big thanks to all the vets out there that have put their life on the line for my freedom.

A big shout out to all the veterans today…Thanks!!!

A great big Thank You to all the veterans out there. Cheers!

Thanks to all who serve(d) under our flag.

Would serving in non US arm forces apply?

That probably depends on how recently the non-US entity fought the US. :wink:

I consider you a veteran Thirsty Monk.

All right. Time for some beer.