AB sending water to help flood victems

Nice to see this!

Anheuser-Busch brewery in Georgia stopped canning beer and began sending 500,000 cans of drinking water to help victims of Hurricane Harvey.

They do this for pretty much every disaster.  Believe I heard MillerCoors is doing it also.  Say what you like about their beer, this is an outstanding move!

AB started shipping Michelob Ultra to Texas? ZING!

Dude, give them credit when they deserve it.

Side note, if you live in areas that are prone to certain types of catastrophic weather (hurricanes, blizzards, etc.), filling your spare carboys, buckets and kegs with drinking water when nasty weather is in the forecast can be a lifesaver.

Oskar Blues is doing this as well through a charity called CanAid.  AB has done this for all kinds of stuff, 9/11, Katrina, probably as far back as Hurricane Andrew.  I read in an article their Georgia plant is the designated emergency water plant, so they are geared up to do this as quickly as possible.

I’m in the same boat… I want to make the “Bud Light in new cans” joke, but in all seriousness, this is fantastic. And not new, they’ve been doing this for years.


AB did this in 1993 when Des Moines went under water too.  It greatly appreciated by the folks here in town while the water plant had 12’ of river water on top of it.

I was lucky back then.  I had just accepted a position in town and by time I actually moved here the water was back on.  We couldn’t drink it yet but we could use the plumbing and shower.  It is hard to describe how much we depend on tap water.  It affects every aspect of your life and you will never forget about it again.

Thank “insert deity of your choice” for companies who do this type of thing.  They may make crappy beers but they also help communities when needed.


Just a lighthearted joke, no intention to offend. It’s fantastic that they’re helping people. Lots of companies doing great work in Harvey, Caterpillar sent a few trucks to help rescue.

Side note: I also enjoy a bud light every once in a while. It’s not for everyone, but for most people? Not sure how to qualify that.

I watched an interview this morning with the head brewmaster of the Georgia facility, it takes about a week to switch the plant over from beer to canning water, and the water that was shipped to TX was already on hand. The water project is a planned annual event.
  Give them credit when they deserve it? Certainly, but let’s not be so easily convinced that this is done out of pure altruism. The good PR that AB and other corporations get from acts of good citizenship in most cases far outweighs the actual cost of the effort. How many tens of millions of dollars of purchased advertising would it take to generate the same positive effect on the company image that doing a good deed does? What I will give AB and other corporations credit for is having enough intelligence to realize that doing good deeds is a good investment.

Yeah, I agree. I give them big credit for doing the right thing, but if it were only altruistic there wouldn’t be the big media coverage. Regardless,  kudos for their help.

+1;  Visor, I wanted to post something to this effect but you said it better than I could ever.

Yeah, how dare they help people in need just to make them look good?!?! They should have just left it alone and let the people down their die. And all those celebrities that donate money and then announce it!!! Good thing people don’t see their posts and then think to themselves that maybe they can help and sacrifice a few bucks to the Red Cross. Selfish pricks, all of them.

In my post, I twice gave them big kudos. Also, they clearly aren’t against the good PR (nor some of the benefactors of other big donations). It’s a win-win. In the big scheme, does it and should it matter to the poor people who need the water? Of course not!!

I’m assuming your use of the vulgar term for the central male appendage was aimed at myself, and those more or less in agreement with my viewpoint, if so, I’ve been called much worse and didn’t care overmuch, if not I apologize for being obtuse and missing the subject of the sarcasm. And, I really don’t feel a need to defend myself or what charitable acts may I have or have not performed to you, or anyone else for that matter ;).
  I didn’t mean to suggest that corporate acts of beneficence such as AB supplying free drinking water in many disaster situations are entirely devoid of altruism, just that the decision to be a good corporate citizen is made with the understanding that most of the time, it becomes a net financial gain. If their good citizenship was entirely altruistic, it would be done anonymously, as many wealthy persons and companies have done throughout history. If they weren’t at least partly motivated by the great PR, they would arrange for potable water to be supplied in containers that did not boldly state that it was supplied by AB.
  I’m not slamming AB, I applaud them for being smart enough to understand the value of good citizenship, I would rather live in a world where more companies understand this and practice it, rather than fewer.

I sarcastically calling out anybody that gave them any crap for this. In my post the pricks were ABI, again sarcastically.


Since I operate on advanced level sarcasm I actually got it right.  LOL

McUltra…  Wifey drinks the stuff now and I point that out to the cashier every time I have to buy it.  Like it or not the skinny can was genius. ;D

“That’s not beer officer, it’s water.  Didn’t you hear that…”