My guess is you’ll be fine. I would clean up the bines that got cut. That is, cut them off cleanly. I’ll bet within two weeks, youget some more sprouts.
Some books on such about growing hops do say that when the first sprouts of the year get about a foot long, cut them to ground level, and wait for the next set of bines, and choose 2-4 of the best, and cut the rest to the ground. And that’s what I have been doing for a few years now, and I get more hops than I can use. My homebrew club gets the rest.
To dry them every fall, I take the screen off of my sliding door, put it between to sawhorses, lay out the hops, and put a fan blowing underneath. I do this in my heated garage. It takes about a full day to get them dry enough to vacumm seal and freeze.
Yeah, they’re fine. They’ll sprout again pretty fast. In fact there were probably a bunch of sprouts already formed that had not made it to the surface yet.
I had a real nice bine going on a three-yr-old Magnum, and while weeding by hand I somehow managed to break it off. Granted the weeds were a foot high (we hang bird feeders above the bed), but still it was a bonehead move. The rhizome sent up another bine thats 8’ long now.