I got some nice healthy lager hefe from a local brewery right off the bottom. It’ was real thick and foamy so my 2 liter flask has reduced to one overnight. trouble is when i go to pitch, alot of the yeast stays stuck to the inside of the flask.
I was thinking about adding some liquid to the yeast to thin it down (Water? Beer?) and putting it on a stir plate. Dont think I need to add wort as this is some pretty fresh stuff. And if I add water, does it need to be boiled coming right out of the tap? Your thoughts appreciated.
I think straight water would affect the yeast osmotically if left for any significant time (more that 15 or 30 minutes). Add a little wort. The yeast doesn’t need it, but it won’t harm it either. Maybe some late runnings after you’ve stopped sparging.
Water and beer are good for storage. But wort is best before pitching. Especially if you want to put it on a stir plate, wort will allow the yeast to deflocculate and you can mix them into the brewed wort much more evenly.
Thanks, makes sense. I ended up adding a small amount of 1.040 wort about an hour or so before pitching. It gave the yeast just enough to make it pour-able.