I’ve been aging a saison for a year now in a carboy, and wonder if I should add more yeast to it before bottling. If anyone can shed some light on this for me, I would be grateful.
its a good idea IMO for insurance - uncarbed bottles are a PITA.
you could use something neutral like US-05 or Notty if you like, or the best is if you recently made something with that same yeast strain as the saison and you could put ~TBL of the yeast slurry in the bottling bucket.
only need about 1/2 a packet of US-05/Notty if you go that route.
Fermentis recommends 2.5 g/hl to 5.0 g/hl of T-58 or S-33 for bottle conditioning. That comes to .5-1 gram per five gallons. I’ve used T-58 a lot and even in light lagers it makes no noticeable change in flavor.