Aeration question re: lager fermentation

Do you aerate when your wort is down to pitching temps when making lagers?  I use an immersion chiller to chill my wort and it doesn’t get the wort down to lager pitch temps (46-48, usually). So, I pop the carboy in my fermentation chamber and chill to pitch temp before inoculating. In this scenario, when should I aerate?  I’m trying to improve my lager process right now and want to know if there’s a “best practice” in this regard.

I don’t know if it’s best practice, but I aerate (O2 bottle) right before or after pitching.

It is best to aerate when you are at your pitching temperature as your wort / beer can handle more dissolved O2 at lower temperatures. I would aerate at the same time as you inoculate (right before or right after) as cell growth will begin once pitched and that is really what you are trying to improve.

Thanks for the replies!  I figured as much, but thought it was worth asking about.