AHA eBooks

Not sure if this is the place for this post, but I’m wondering if there will ever be eBook versions of Wild Brews, For the Love of Hops, etc.  Or even Zymurgy for that matter.  I do most of my reading in bed, so I’ve been spoiled with the backlight of my tablet.  Haven’t gotten through some of my paper books because of it. I know, I know…  First world problems.  ;D

Zymurgy IS online.  Zymurgy Magazine | September/October 2024

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As for the books, id bet amazon may have ereader versions, but i doubt the aha does, because you have to pay for those pudlications, but they are definitly not free

I’d really love to see an ecopy of Lambic made available.  AFAIK this is the only one of the classic style series that is out of print

I thought the newer books were all coming out in kindle format? I bought Farmhouse Ales through Amazon on kindle. I have Wild Brews, BLAM and Brewing with Wheat in paperback. As much as I wish I had the portability with the other books I have to admit I don’t think the kindle versions are as easy to read and the charts are certainly not replicated perfectly for kindle.