I concur with what Gary said. While it does require members to invest some time to review the candidate’s statements, please take a few minutes this weekend to vote if you haven’t done so already.
I have served on the AHA GC since 2004, and I have learned the GC does provide valuable insights, creative inputs and really makes a difference with regards to the AHA direction, utilization of resources and a host of other decisions.
To accomplish this, AHA GC members volunteer their time participating in monthly conference calls, initiate and respond to a myriad of issues as they pop up via streams of emails, give up part of the day before the National Homebrewers Conference to deliberate and guide the AHA with the identification and delivery of key goals the next year, volunteer during the conference to introduce speakers, participate in the members meetings, participate in various sub-committees, moderate the Forum and take on other responsibilities as needed.
And yes, as a volunteer group, we also like to have some fun, crack some jokes and share a few beers. Shocked? Come on…!
Voting for the AHA GC elections has increased considerably over the last several years, and that has been a positive development. But it still only represents less than 10% of the current membership.
There have been a notice in the most recent Zymurgy, postings on the Forum, mentions of the elections in two separate member email updates, discussions on BrewTechTalk, as well as the fact that it has been one of the lead stories on the website for several weeks. These are the “properties” that the AHA has at its disposal, and collectively they are the mechanisms available to get the message out. We sure would like to see more of the membership participating and letting their voices be heard.
So, spend 15-20 of your time and go to http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/community/news/show?title=vote-for-your-aha-govering-committee and take a good look at the candidates running this year. Then make a decision and vote for those whose message and/or experience moves you. And hey, one lucky voter will be eligible for an additional entry in the Lallemand Scholarship drawing for the Siebel Institute’s two-week Concise Course. This is an uber cool and valuable prize (and one which AHA Governing Committee members are not eligible for