Air compressor

With upcoming event of canning I need to get air compressor.
So this is what I got.

It is model number GX-4 EP

More info here.

Who ever thought one would need air compressor for brewing.

Speaking of canning, I just read that Sam Dams is going to cans.  Maybe you’ve heard.  They spent a million bucks developing a new can design that they’re going to release to the industry without charge or royalties.  Can info at

Excuse my ignorance but it smells close like wortex bottles superior design.

Interesting.  I’m cool with cans, but I try to pour my beer into a glass no matter how it was originally packaged.

It does make me wonder if they could have made it more of a pull top, like a soup can.  Then you’d basically have an aluminum pint glass.

I think there used to be an issue with pull out tabs. Tabs were left all over and lids were redesign to current style.

Yes. Actually we should go to to where you just punch a hole in with a key.

There is retro can that does just that. Churchkey brewing out of WA:

Definitely old-school. And unique business model.

With a filter inline, you can also use it to purge hoses, so it doesn’t have to be a uni-tasker. The toys do add up though…

If we can afford to set up for them, I want to start canning in the 19.2 fl oz imperials: Ball Corp. introduces 'imperial pint' can in USA | BeerPulse

I use my air compressor to blow out the immersion chiller.

Myself as well.  Sometimes if I’m not careful I get a live hose jumping and spraying water all over.

They are using standard lids (ends) just they are taller. Your equipment would have to be custom made to accommodate that.
Not a bad idea.

Working on something better…

Care to share?

In time

[quote]Yes. Actually we should go to to where you just punch a hole in with a key.


Perrin Brewing Co in west Michigan is coming out with these soon.

I can report that air compressor is operational and quiet.
So far so good.