Air conditioning died, fermentation may have stopped too soon

I brewed a maple nut brown kit from Midwest Supplies on Sunday. On Monday, our air conditioner died. It got to 91 in the house, though not that warm in the basement. It was fixed by Tuesday evening. The airlock was still bubbling, although slowly, through at least yesterday morning. It has basically stopped now (I watched it for a good minute and saw it bubble exactly once) - which seems way too soon. Do I need to worry? Is there anything I can do to salvage this beer?

I haven’t taken any readings yet. Dropped the hydrometer. :frowning: I will be getting another one today.

What yeast, starting gravity, and what is/was the temp in the basement?

I’ve had 1.050 beers ferment most of the way in 2-3 days at 67-70F before.  Don’t rely on the bubbles in the airlock so much.  I have a 1.071 DIPA going right now and I’m getting very little bubble action in my blowoff bucket.  I suspect my carboy cap is not 100% secure around the opening, but there’s definitely CO2 in the chest freezer.

Take a reading when you get your new hydrometer and go from there.

I use large hose clamps with wingnuts to secure to carboy caps. Got a two pack at autozone for $3-4.


Link -

One negative is the screw is not stainless, so it will rust and rot at some point. Ignore the 1-star review. Guy was using them in his car and the worked loose. Not much vibration happening in my ferm chamber.

I don’t have the starting gravity. I dropped it getting ready to take that reading.

The temperature in the basement is usually low 70s. It is on a linoleum floor, which is cool to the touch. The temperature gauge on the outside of the bucket says 74. It was on the highest reading (78? not at home right now) before the air conditioner started working again.

I will check when I get home, but I feel better about it. Thanks!

I have a bunch of them but always end up using the same one, so I’m sure it’s getting worn but that is a great idea.  Thanks Steve.

I’m betting fermentation is done at those temps.  It may have some fusel alcohols at those temps, but let it go its 2 weeks and check it out.  Most likely it will be fine.  Good luck!

  • 1… I’m sure it will be fine.

Your ferm chamber is sitting on top of a 357 HEMI?? MURICA!!!

but seriously +1 to these, i have them too, they work great