I only have 3.3 lbs of LME the recipe calls for 4lbs. How much DME can I add to equal the missing .7 lbs of LME?
You need to make up ~26 points (.7 * 37 pppg for the LME)
DME is roughly 46 pppg so 27 / 46 = 0.56 lbs
I think most DME is closer to 43 point-gal/lb. Pure sucrose is 46.2. It doesn’t really change anything though - you need about 0.6 lb.
I just pulled the numbers from Promash, but yeah, you’re in the ball park of a half-pound.
Or you could reduce your volume a little, thereby bumping your OG back up despite the deficiency.
But, that means less final product (beer) for you–not the best idea, I know.
But it’s a math problem that has more than one solution. Just saying.
Thanks again for your help. I brewed a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone last night. It’s my second brew, and I’m crossing my fingers. Star San says “not to fear the foam,” but there was a little foam from the Star San that I had to poor the yeast through to get to the beer. Will that affect my yeast numbers or fermentation?
No, that won’t have any effect on the yeast.
Probably not given the very short contact time (a second or less as you were pouring) and the fact that yeast are actually somewhat acid-tolerant compared to most bacteria. No worries.