So, I was wandering through the Beer Aisle at my local big chain grocery store just seeing what they had that looked interesting, and I noticed a special 4 pack from 21st Amendment and Ninkasi. Its a English Strong Ale that is aged on dates and hopped with all northwest hops. I noticed on the 21st Amendment website that its dry hopped with Falconers Flight Hops, which I have never seen, but after drinking this beer, I am inspired to go see if I can find them to use them for aroma. I found the hop flavor (spicy and citrusy, I think they may have late hopped with EKG as well, because I can taste a bit of the earthy spice they are known for) to be more in the forefront than the dates, which was surprising, but I found the dates near the end. I really enjoyed this beer, and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of great beer.
Falconer’s Flight was a one-off blend from Hop Union, you’re not likely to see that exact blend ever again since it had some experimental hops in the mix. I agree though, it was really good. I’m hoping they do some more blends in the future, one per year is kind of fun.
Tom, Well that sucks, I guess I better keep my eyes open for any more one-off blends.
Phil, Ninkasi in Oregon. I didn’t even know there was a Ninkasi Brewing in France. Do they make good beer? I am going to need to know, my wife is planning on forcing me to Paris sometime in the next couple years, because she speaks french and loves the city.
My shop was out of simcoe a couple of months ago and substituted Falconers Flight for the simcoe I needed. It didnt turn out the same as my IPA usually does but it was absolutely delicious. If I see it again, I’ll definitely buy a few ounces to play with.
That’s awesome Denny, any other details? The original was definitely an “American” hop blend, will the new ones be two variations on that or will one be something else? I’m just curious what they’re going for. And if they are taking pre-orders
I just picked up 2 1oz bags of Falconers flight today at the LBHS (Mountain Homebrew and Wine Supply, Tom) and its going in an IPA I am making this weekend with some other hops lying about the place. The notes on the package say citrus and floral notes, so I am guessing its an American blend again.
Thanks for the link. Just ordered half a pound to try them out on a single hop pale, also picked up some Amarillo and some Saaz as my LHBS was out last week.
Maybe this is showing that I am a new brewer, but ordering hops mail order seems like a recipe for stale hops? do the vacuum packs work well enough that the warm temperatures won’t cause so much damage? My guess is based on the number of mail order companies, it might be a RDWHAHB…
not sure you can call it a single hop ale if you use the falconers flight as it is a blend of hops. but hey what do I care?
If you go with a company you trust it’s not a problem. the vacuum packs work fine. after all they get shipped to your LHBS. Unless your growing your own or picking them up at the farm they are getting shipped one way or another.
Garc, yup, they’re based out of Lyon. Out of the 6 750ml I’ve bought of theirs, 4 have been infected, same for the 2 minifut/5L minikegs. However, on draft, at one of their (awesome) brewpubs, it’s really, really, really great. I think they have two different breweries, one for packaging and one for larger volumes/brewpubs/kegs. The Ninkasi blonde is about as close to a CAP as you can get in France… For now (bwahahaha)…
Like I tell everybody, PM me when you get closer to finding a date, I’m the Official Good Beer Greeter for the greater Paris metro area