I brewed a 12 gallon batch of Kolsch today. I’m not used to my new 20 gallon kettle, so I had more boil-off than expected. My O.G. is 1.060 rather than the 1.050 I was shooting for. Do I dilute the wort down with some water to get a lower gravity for what I want to be a session beer, or should I RDWHAHB?
I would dilute a bit. It’s not a hop driven style, so a little hop utilization loss wouldn’t hurt badly, and it would bring the gravity down to a more average strength, which is desireable for Kolsch. But you know, I’ve done both in the past. You’ll make good beer either way.
Needless to say, RDWHAHB !
I’m thinking about a 1/2 gallon in each carboy should take it into the 1054-1.055 range.
Sounds like a winner. I bet it’ll be tasty.
I don’t think you are being too picky and I’ve done the same thing before.
Been there, done that.
But I know I’m picky. 8)