Does anyone have experience brewing with amaranth? I just figured out how to sprout amaranth and came up with my own recipe, but I wanted to share and see what everybody else creates.
Sounds like a grain that can be used to make a healthy gluten free beer. I have a friend with a gluten intolerent father who has started brewing . I’ll talk with her about Amaranth and maybe help come up with a recipe her dad can drink. Found this link
Amaranth is a plant that grows like a friggin weed. It grows almost every where, Native Americans, Africans, and Aztecs have used it for God knows how long. It’s little seeds pop like pop corn, and thats how it is usually eaten. In South America they make a beer like beverage out of it.
I think it has good uses as an adjunct. So unless I was making a beer for someone with Celiacs Disease, I’d only use it for a 1/3 or less of the grain bill. It lightens the beer like corn would, only I like the flavor it imparts.