America's Finest City Homebrew Competition 2010

Judges and Homebrewers,

QUAFF’s 19th annual America’s Finest City Homebrew Competition is scheduled for February 19th and 20th in San Diego, CA.  It is an AHA/BJCP sanctioned event, and this year, we are proud to announce that we are an official qualifying event for the Master Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB).

The competition’s webpage is at

The page has links for entering your beers, and also for volunteering to judge or steward at the event.

Entries are 6 dollars per beer, and all of the information about shipping and/or judging will be sent to you when you sign up.

Entries must be received by Feb. 13th.

Judges and Stewards- Save the date February 19th and 20th 2010.

For questions, contact the Judge Coordinator Paul Sangster at or me at


Cole Davisson