and one day it happens...

Ive been brewing just about 4-years now. made many a batch (good, bad and the ugly). I’ve brewed quite a few styles, and found several I like to brew often. I’ve tweaked, dialed in and perhaps taken a whole different path at times. Can’t say I have one in particular that I’d say I’m done tinkering with…that is until today.

My German Pils has been a passion of mine-specifically the more highly hopped northern varietal. This latest batch (sampled today)I just so happened to nail everything I was hoping for. It’s a 5.2% with about 39IBU, finishing very dry and crisp like I have always striven for…1.007 in this case. The malt shines and balances well with the noble bitterness, and the aroma is spot on to me-both malt and hops.

What about you- love to hear the stories of chasing some and holding tight on that special one…or two…or…

I’ve definitely felt that way about some of my beers, it’s in replicating them that the frustration (challenge) of this craft comes into play. I think my Vienna lager is one of those. Otherwise, I’m pretty dang close on a variety of recipes. It’s a really nice feeling though when you have one of your own beers and think, “Damn, this is it, this is the one.”

For me, it was my Vienna lager.  I’d tried to make Oktoberfest many times but always messed up something – usually I think it had to do with the yeast selection and fermentation control more than anything else.  Finally, I made a Vienna lager with 2206, it was my first time using that particular yeast strain, and as you know, Vienna and Oktoberfest are almost identical styles (some might say that they really are one and the same).  Anyway… it was just about the finest lager I have ever made.  Need to brew that one again soon.  I think it really was all about the yeast.  2206.  Accept no substitutes.  Except maybe for W-34/70, I’ve made a fantastic helles with that one as well, though the beer didn’t keep for long, went stale after 6 months.  Again, probably my fault.  I need to brew some lagers this winter.  Really need to.  But of course I have a long waiting list of ales I want to make, so I don’t know how I can squeeze all of it in…

Also, the first time I ever made a dubbel, it was fantastic and scored a 41.  I have tried making it two or three times since then, and it’s never been quite the same!  Still chasing that one.  Next time I am going to try underpitching and see where that gets me.  Again, with respect to yeast, it’s definitely got to be WLP530.  Accept no substitutes!  That much I do know.  Wyeast ain’t the same, no way no how, not with my best dubbel anyway.

I like to jump around a lot so it might be a long time before I get back to one specific style.

I was told after my first attempt at a tripel that it was perfect and never to touch the recipe again. That being said, I think I will keep the same malt bill but will play around with the hops and possibly the yeast.

I have several recipes that are pretty close, but I always feel like they’re ‘works in progress’, which is fine because I like to experiment with different ingredients and ideas. But I think my APA is definitely there. It’s in the ballpark of Vinnie C’s ‘Hop 2 It’ APA recipe that RR uses to test out hops on, and I think it’s perfect -  76% 2 Row, 17% MO and 7% C40. One boil addition of 41 IBU (60 mins), with a whirlpool @ 175F of 4-5 oz. Then 3 oz dry.

I think the small amount of MO gives a gentler toasty character than you’d get from victory or biscuit, yet is a small enough amount to not make the beer seem ‘British’. I brew lots of styles but a version of this (hops vary) is on tap pretty much always and doesn’t last long.

Right on Dave! I think you are on to something.  Perhaps the judges ranking should be determined by how high they score our beer. Whoever gave your beer a 41 should be known as an “Excellent Judge”.

I love this success story.  If you are critical enough, you reach the point where the beers you make are good enough to be really satisfactory (and so much better than the average commercial example), but every so often they are exactly what you hoped for.  That is an “AHA” moment for sure.  I entered one such beer that got a 45 from a commercial lager brewer - it didn’t even medal, but I knew what he was digging and I was digging it, too.

I have been trying to nail down a few different brews. Saison, bitter, and braggot. With the saison, I brewed one which hit all the spots for me. Earthy, spicey, some fruit, and a nice noble hop aroma.,as well as low gravity. I used four different yeasts in no measured proportions, and have not been able to duplicate.

Bitter- still searching. Looking for that Burton snatch, and nice big EKG aroma, or Fuggles. Just haven’t found the balence I am looking for without making it an esb.

Braggot - not even sure quite what I am looking for. But I brew them a lot, and have a different concept for each one that is just not quite met.

4 different yeasts will be hard to replicate. Bitter is a great one to seek excellence on - recipe, mash temp and hop rate can make it elusive…I love to try to replicate Marston’s Pedigree (I’ve gotten close, but it’s just not the same as cask-served with a beer engine and sparkler).  Braggot is an area in which I have yet to delve - but you may just find what you like even without being certain what you are looking for!