Somebody sent me this and I couldn’t stop laughing . . .
Saw that before. I doubt the cat unsheathed its claws- maybe gave’em the taste of just one. ;D But if it did then that was a tough lesson to learn. lol
OK some revenge here: ;D
Honestly I haven’t laugh so hard in a long time. Thanks Tom!
Nice headbutt fluffy!
I can hear the cat in his best Pee Wee Herman voice saying, “I meant to do that!”
Two very amusing videos guys!
This one is great too . . .
I went through all of them, some of them really had me crying.
Had to say this one was impressive:
That one kills me euge, just the distance he walks on his front legs is awesome. The rest is a bonus. ;D
I needed these laughs first thing on a Friday a.m…Thanks guys.
Thanks for the laughs… Here’s one for ya…
I don’t think it’s the animal being a d!ck there. Probably an older brother ;D
I’ve seen this one before, but it still makes me giggle
That one’s in there too, if you scroll through. It’s a shorter clip though, it’s nice to see a longer clip like you posted.
Exactly. My brother would have done that to me.
That one is great too :) I just love these, they really kill me.
+1 - I had to stop at that one though. I am at work & folks are starting to wonder why I’m gasping for breath and have tears running down my face. I finish the rest after most of the staff leave & Iock the doors at 4.
OK now my ribs hurt I was laughing so hard! This one put me over the edge
Muscovy ducks can be really aggressive, and protective. I love it! (picking on those poor babies…)
It should be called People being dicks and animals getting even. My wife is writing a paper that’s due at 7 AM and she keeps asking me "what’s so damn funny? Tomorrow I’ll show her.