Annie Johnson in Smithsonian mag

Annie is the 2013 Homebrewer of the Year…

Pretty awesome!

It’s great to see our craft elevated to this level.

Kudos to Annie! :slight_smile:

Just flipped through the pages… Who’s that hippie on page 7?  :wink:

Some young guy, I guess…:wink:

You go Denny!!!

Nice writeup by the Smithsonian! :slight_smile:

Looks like unabashed self promotion to me. :wink: He he he!  Good show Denny!  And Kudos to Annie!

Pretty cool!

But reading through the pages leaves a bit to be desired.

#2:  “A great boil kettle is key to great brewing,” she says. And then goes on to recommend a $550 kettle that she doesn’t own?  :o

#6: “It was the American Homebrewers Association forum that sparked a flurry of homebrewing competitions two decades ago. But accessing the group’s forums requires a paid membership ($38/year).”  Since when?? Non-members can be here, yeah?

Fair comments…but I was more aghast that Wee Shroomy is being brewed again.  :wink:

Yes non members can be here. they can post and everything. I also was not terribly impressed with the list of ‘must have’ brewing items. I wonder how much was a case of ‘we need 10 things you can’t live without in your brewery’

I guess they didn’t fact check the article.  Also, 10 thing she can’t live without, one being the Picobrew system?  It’s not even available yet, right?  It seems she’s living without it now…(promo?)

When I become a billion brewer like Jim Koch, I’m going to mention Denny too for his advise on the cheap ‘n’ easy barge sparge method.  Any idea what size cooler I need to batch sparge a 100 barrel batch? :wink:

Wow, pretty cool. I liked the “roll up around the corner” comment about neighborly homebrewing. :slight_smile:

Personally amazed by the new look of digital magazines…I was surprised I got through all the clicks without an advertisement…

ohh wait.


I’m a non-member. And the pico brewery? Yeah…right. I started to wonder if those were just ads I was flipping through at the bottom. It was all crap no one needs. Except you, Denny!

+1.  I evidently don’t "need " most of those items.

So a mash-tun is not key to brewing but a boil kettle is?

Hey, I’ve got a starter going for it an I’ll be brewing it next week!

I’m fascinated by the idea of wee shroomy and wish very much to taste it. I don’t relish the cost of the batch though so I have not made one myself. I suppose if I get lucky and stumble upon a big patch of chanterelles (assuming it ever rains in CA again) I’ll try until I will continue to wait.

Nice article. If I had unlimited funds I would try that Zymatic thing.

If I had unlimited funds, I’d try a LOT of things!  :slight_smile:

I do like my Hydrfolask, though,  not sure if I would put it above my keg system.  Nice ads and a half step in terms of helpful information to those uninitiated to the hobby. I’ve learned that baby steps help a lot of people get into homebrewing and I know of only one guy who gave up on brewing - he likes golf too much!

Congrats to Annie for furthering the art of homebrewing - it is growing fast and will continue with articles like this appearing more and more in mainstream media (even if this one is advertising disguised as journalism…)